Lucie Desmond

Hello and Welcome to BABY ON SET!

My name is Lucie Desmond, mum of two, fashion photographer and creative director of LD Studio.

Baby on set nursing wear was born out of my own experience of being unable to find the perfect t-shirt for nursing my baby boy.

During his first few months I was extremely active, out and about in the city, visiting cafes, restaurants and attending photo shoots often taking my BABY ON SET with me :).

My desire has always been to continue to breastfeed my son without having to a) feel uncomfortable breastfeeding in public and b) compromise on style and accessibility.

Most nursing tops I found were simply either too small or too uncomfortable, so I decided to make my own :).

Our goal at BABY ON SET is to provide an oversized fit with hidden zips on the side to ensure privacy, whilst maintaining style along with some humor and encouragement for you as the mother thanks to our high quality embroidery.

I hope you will love them as much as I do and that it will bring you comfort particularly during those challenging times with your little one :)


baby on set



Made in EU